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Bila SPM nak habis ?


Tah acane tah , malam tadi aku mimpi this guy ajak aku ngedate . Whoaaaaa ! Fantastic der der .
Tapi apahal dia pulak muncul kat mimpi aku ? :( Please I hope it will not happen again .
Harus ke ? Titeww tak tenal tenal each other pun kan . So pleaseeeee , mimpi aku for person that surround my life je . Yang takde kaitan tolong jauh , nanti aku tergugat hehehe . Okayy mimpi mamat ni sho ohsem sho shuwit & bangun-2 aku terus story kat DH . Why ? Cause only her knows bout Miyyo omei ni ^^ hihi #Dekfana , looks for him ASAP ! Yess this laa Miyyo . Public figure tuu , kan aku dah cakap , hang mesti cair *kenyit mata kanan16 kali* hehe . Orang cakap dia JB Malaysia ? Ye ehh ? Ade laa kot . Maybe haha & aku pun taraktaw apa penangan sampai aku sanggup tukar background desktop aku jadi pict dia . Hebak tak hebak ahh . So awak , background lappy saya dah ganti . Bukan pict awk dah HAHAHA . Jangan leww mare :'D Ehh dah dah . Bye Miyyo , before aku admire hang gila , better aku chaww lu ! Dha ~

Don't give up praying because Allah is always listening , Allah never sleeps ,
Allah is forgiving , Allah is merciful , Allah is beneficient 

Nii ayat ni . Aku tuju kat kawan kawan aku & at the same time for me too . To let me remember that Allah always near to each of us . Semua kawan aku , ehm aku taknak musuh dengan sape sape pun . Tolong :/ Yess maybe kita tak rapat mana , tapi kita boleh rapat macam dulu kan ? Tak mustahil and i'll try , My parents always asks for you and you think i can answers their quest ? No okayy ! No ! Cause we already not the same as before & did not close like before :'(


Farhanana said...

bukan 16 kli aq kenyit do, terngaga aq tngok... putih nye dia Did :))
nak juga MIyyo :)

DIDIDAA said...

Kakaka . Right kan ? Hensem walahh :D

Farhanana said...

hensem nie Did :)

DIDIDAA said...

HAHAHA , kan ? Mana laa aku tak gado dgn bini rebuy dia wehh haha

DIDIDAA said...


Farhanana said...

okey !!!! skarang aq nak rebut ngn korang pulak, haha :D boleeee kan?